Welcome to the Emerald Sea Dive Club
Our club is comprised of members who love to dive the Pacific Northwest and want to be able to both share and participate in that experience with fellow divers. If you are interested in what we are about and do, come to our next monthly dive club meeting to meet some of the members and find out more!

Club Meetings
The ESDC usually meets the first Sunday of the month. If you would like to check out the club before joining you can contact our Activities Coordinator (ActivitiesCoordinator@EmeraldSeaDiveClub.org) for details of our next monthly club meeting.
ESDC Is On Meetup! 
The ESDC does almost all of its club activity and communication on a site called ESDC Meetup. Click on this link to access our site and sign up if you are a member of the club. The site is an exclusive benefit of paid membership. Meetup offers much of what this web site did plus a lot more and is only for ESDC dive club members. We will continue to use this site for general notices and the Photo Contest. If you have any questions, please email Glenn Bulat for more information. Need help on getting started on Meetup? Click here!
Other Dive Information
There are several planned dives each month to local dives sites in the greater Seattle area, the San Juan Islands, Port Angeles, and British Columbia. Also, the annual Holiday Party, club Picnic and Dive and the Annual Club Campout and Dive are some of our annual dives. Twice yearly we also do a cleanup at the Edmonds Fishing Pier. The pier is normally closed to divers, and this dive is done with the cooperation of Edmonds and the local fishermen. Be sure to check our club calendar for a complete listing of club dives and other events!